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This section should help you to get answers to frequently asked questions. If you miss an answer or a question please don't hesitate to e-mail us and letting us know how we can improve this service.

Your *Bär Star Site - PRO Edition* Judging Team

Are the *Bär Star Site - PRO Edition Reviewing Service* and the *Bär Star Site Award Program* related?

Yes. They not only reside on the same domain, there are indeed like brother and sister. While the *Bär Star Site Award Program* is the older and better known big brother, the *Bär Star Site - PRO Edition Reviewing Service* is the little sister that that has to earn her reputation first. The major difference between those two services is that while the *Bär Star Site Award Program* is free of charge, the *Bär Star Site - PRO Edition Reviewing Service* takes a submission fee for reviewing websites.

Who belongs to the Judging Panel?
Philipp Thomas Eirich aka PhilDaPoohBear, Webmaster & Host
Melanie Shermann aka MelanCHOlie, Webmistress & Hostess
Werner Nagelhofer aka Das Hexerlein, Webmaster & Chairman

Why paying a fee to get your site reviewed?

All the judges running their own successful free award programs. However often time doesn't permit a deep review of a site. To find out the strength and weakness of a website it takes time, often a long time. The submission fee is basically paid for the time the judges spend on each individual site and write a detailed report. This brings us to the next important point: Every judge has her/his subjective impression of a website. Trying to eliminate this fact and judging each single site as objective as possible is the main goal of this panel. This only can be done by looking at the facts, like the ability to program HTML or to design graphics, etc. Many of the free award programs don't have the knowledge or the time that is necessary to determin these facts. That's why a bunch of professionals met and joined this panel. You more likely go to a professional hair dresser than to your brother and let him cut your hair.

What the heck are those guys doing with my money?
Good question. We maintain this website, we write reports, we have board meetings and discuss our work and YOUR website. We try to save something for our kid's education or just go to the movies and munch some crackers (...and for sure setting up more fee-based award programs that make us real rich ;-).